Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Part-Time Program Enhancements

We have some pretty big news to share - we are broadening the appeal and accessibility of our part-time graduate programs in Information Systems. Beginning Fall 2010, courses in the Walton Professional MIS degree and BI Certificate programs will be delivered in a new format. Classes will be held one Saturday per month (two per month during summer), and we are now offering "IT Toolkit" preparatory courses during the summer to help prepare students from non-IT backgrounds for success in the program and facilitate a smooth transition into the field of information systems. For more information about these programs, visit

News is spreading, and applications for the Walton Professional MIS, ERP Certificate, and BI Certificate programs are coming in regularly. The deadline for application to the Walton Professional MIS program is March 15 (late applications will be considered on a space-available basis), and applications for the ERP and BI Certificate programs should be completed by May 1.

*Minor administrative note - this post was started in November, and completed in February. It seems that the longer I work in academia, the more absent-minded I become... for those who have been eagerly awaiting my next blog post, my apologies for the extended delay. I'll be updating things again soon!